Yes, I am aware that funner is not a word but, it rhymed! You know...nothing could be finer (feener) that to be in Carolina (caroleena) in the morning...yeah,'s a Daffy Duck cartoon.
Anyway, I've learned since we've been here that I will be coming back with at least two bad habits. The one that has the least amount of consequences is slurping your soba right out of the bowl and then picking the bowl up and drinking up what's left. Mmm mmm! The worst thing that could happen there is if you're doing this at the table with your mother. You know you're going to get the fast-as-lightning smack to the back of the head.
The second thing I'll leave here with is an impeccable ability to run red lights with the best of 'em. On Okinawa red lights are more of should I say it? They're more of a suggestion. It's always good to count to 3 when your light turns green. You have to give those stragglers some time to finish racing through the intersection in their little cracker boxes they call cars.
I was thinking of trying red light running while slurping soba from a bowl just to liven things up a bit. What do you think?