C'mon! You know you don't like it either! SPAM seems to be pretty popular around here. I mean, take a look at the first picture. Where else could you go and see so many square centimeters of space devoted to such a delicacy as SPAM? It was created in 1937. I've had it more times than I'm going to admit and I have to tell you I think I had SPAM from the original containers from back in '37! It lasts forever! You know how they say the only things to survive a nuclear bomb are cockroaches and Twinkies? I strongly believe that SPAM should be added to that list. With SPAM and cockroaches you have one source of sodium nitrite and one source of protein. And it goes without saying that most people could live by Twinkie alone...
Sorry kids . . . . . . Mama is CHEAP!!
13 years ago