Monday, June 22, 2009

Okinawa...the island is your urinal...

I mean, it must be! When we first moved here I knew that modesty was not at the forefront of a regular Easterner's mind. In a week and a half I'm driving along and on three separate occasions I see three men standing on the side of the road just...just... Well, let's just say there aren't a plethora of restrooms around here. Vending machines, yes. Bathrooms, no.

But why, when you have these...

...would you not answer nature's call at the nearest one? It's in McDonald's for heaven's *sake!

(*Sake - not to be confused with the aforementioned sake [sock aye] in previous blog.)

I mean, c'mon...heated seats? A button you can push to make a flushing sound when you're not even flushing. A bidet? A spray button? A VOLUME button? Why doesn't every household have one of these? Before we leave I'm going to ship a couple of these back for *posterity's sake.

*Posterity - not to be confused with "posterior". Could potentially be misleading.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine that's...awamori...

You gotta lean in close for this one.

A little closer...

There ya go!

Awamori...nectar of the gods or, as some people (namely people like me) would alternative form of petrol...a gasoline-derivative.

I asked myself why in the world I would want to drink something with this...or...these in it. I couldn't even come up with a bad reason. The best way to describe this is "liquid Viagra" and that's all I have to say about this subject. It's made from rice and is a sake (sock aye) NOT sock eee! It is made from an extract of the Habu snake. Wikipedia doesn't have pictures just saw mine. Those are Habu snakes...Okinawa's native pit viper. Habu + venom = you prolly gonna die! This is NOT something I would want to cross paths with. It's also something I wouldn't want to cross my lips.

They're packaged nicely. After all, presentation is everything! You can ship these bad boys back to the States. I don't know why you'd want to do that...but you can. I mean, what do you do when the only thing left is the snake?

By the way...Happy Father's Day! :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Vending with no ending...

I haven't done a blog on vending machines yet. Let's just say they're everywhere and when I mean everywhere...I mean everywhere. They also sell just about anything you need. Take this one at Shuri-jo Castle, for instance. Granted, we've had torrential rains but I never thought I'd ever see...