Sunday, November 9, 2008

A reasonably respectful ranting

I met a lady online that I've been chatting with and this was in one of her emails:
Speaking of husband knows some pilots who were in the group that ferried him around in Afghanistan and they said he was TERRIBLE to the troops. He got photographed playing basketball at the gym in Bagram I think, but refused to shake hands or take photos with anyone away from the cameras. The way they talked, he seemed openly scornful of them. In contrast, when Laura Bush came to visit she was exceptionally friendly and took photos with anyone who asked and spoke to everyone. My husband has some great pictures with him and the pilots from his company shaking hands with her.
I think he just used visits like that for photo-ops. As I said...this is not going to be good for the military. It's awfully hard to respect someone that I have no respect for. He's going to have to earn that from me. Fortunately, thanks to the 1st Amendment I have the right express my opinion!

You know what? If Obama and McCain's beliefs had been switched and Obama was Republican, right wing, conservative (or whatever you wish to call it) and McCain was Democrat, left wing, liberal (or whatever you wish to call it) then I would've voted for Obama. Color and race is not the issue. Making history was not important. And certainly no American out there voted solely based on color, race and the chance to be a part of making history and not the issues at hand, did they?

I suppose I must congratulate the American public that got exactly what they wanted. Well done. Just think, if our Presidents were chosen based on merit alone a different man would be in the White House. There's nothing that can be done about it now unless Florida has something to say like the last time. :) So, I'll just be sitting here watching and listening for the next 4 years. In between doing that I'll be praying for God to bless America because we are surely going to need it now.

And, lastly, as I said on Facebook -

I would like to thank each and every one of the Obama supporters that are now standing in line to join the military.

Well...that shouldn't take very long.

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