Saturday, May 2, 2009

The scream heard 'round the world

Yeah, it was me. Last week I knew there were two members from the Gecko Special Forces Unit that used their tiny battering ram to get through my front door. I was outnumbered. My defenses were down, namely...I was barefooted. What was I supposed to do? Jenna and I were on our way in the door. Yoshi met us there and to my utter amazement...ushered one of those insurance salesman right through the threshold. What was he thinking?!

Today I was cleaning the kitchen and decided the plant in the corner needed some lovin'. I started pulling off the old leaves at the bottom and was about to water it when out of nowhere I was ambushed! There he was. I was eyeball to eyeball with the GEICO spokesman. Hanging onto the rim of the planter he finally gave up and let go. He bounced on the kitchen rug a few times and then, startled, ran for the...ran for the...well, he didn't really know what he was running for...he just ran. Yoshi thought that today would be a good time to catch him. He cornered him by the dishwasher (me) and the actual appliance. By that time I had shamelessly bounded onto the stepstool in the middle of the floor that Jenna had so graciously left out for me to trip over only hours before but...I digress. I was screaming. Why? I don't know! They aren't going to hurt me. I know that. I just don't like surprises...or being surveilled in my own kitchen. All I know is that my vocal cords have been happier and, fortunately, the solo I did in church was last Sunday and not tomorrow.

Special thanks to the SOLO plastic cup company for providing the means to escort the suction-footed fast-moving gecko out to the yard so that he may, at the time of his choosing, lay in wait to cross the portal of our concrete double-wide and, once again, compromise my homeland security.

And then, there was one...
At least there's only one left that I know of!


The Franklin's said...

Ick, I hate those guys. Yes I know they are supposed to be good to have around but I still can't stand things crawling around my house. Luckily I have a dog who knows how to take care of them! He dosen't eat them, just kills them, but he leaves them for me to dispose of!

Megan Binder said...

Oh girl, I haven't laughed so hard in a while. Sorry I had to chuckle at your expense! Glad you are having an experience of a lifetime there!!!

Sara said...

I've missed you. I love reading of your adventurs in the Orient. I've begun Medical Term. online for the summer and then will hope to have time to get Anatomy in next fall.
I've been blogging recently as well. it began as random thoughts and is now mostly about pop-culture and my attemp at being as cool as the bloggers at
I hope you have a better summer (with less geckos)!