Monday, August 18, 2008

Pass the EpiPen, please!

Mmm! We had yakisoba last night. Yaki = fried and soba = noodle. This would be the 3rd time I've had it since we've been here. Here's the thing...once I find something I like I don't really venture out to anything different. I've told many of you that Japanese food is the one kind of food I just don't like. I've changed my opinion on that. The yakisoba is amazing...until last night.

I think Lonnie had this fact or fiction/Mythbusters thing going on with my shellfish allergy. Unbeknownst to me I chose the yakisoba not knowing what the future held. This dish usually has pork in it. Now, I've heard there are some places that cook the noodles in crab broth. Being the bloodhound I am (thanks to the fibro) I can usually detect things like that either by smell or taste. I don't like the seafood taste and I definitely don't like the way it tastes.

Shortly after I finished eating the roof of my mouth started itching like crazy! Then my nose was running and itching so bad I could hardly stand it. I started coughing and then my head and eyes started itching. Now, seems to me like that yakisoba must've been near some shellfish or cooked in crab broth. I don't know. What I do know is that we have leftovers and when Lonnie gets home I'm going to test it...just to see. I have EpiPen in hand and the hospital is a 5 minute walk from the house (not that we would be walking to the ER). I want to be sure that's what it was so we can go back if it's not. And yes, when the reaction is bad enough you don't have to worry about giving the shot through your clothes.

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